3/17/21 Midweek Update - Good news inside!
As you guys know by now we try to be as open and honest as we can. We share every bit of information that we are allowed to.
So earlier this week were told that Partials were being shipped to us on Hoops and Optic FB.. We have clarity now on what is in that shipment, as well as some surprises.
Hoops.. The Partial shipment only includes Blasters and Retail Boxes. We will still be waiting on the remainder of those skus, as well as the Fat Packs. However, we will have enough inventory to fulfill every order right away on Blasters and Retail Boxes. We will still have inventory above and beyond that and we will sell out what we have, then allow pre orders on at least a % of what we are still owed.
Optic FB - The partial shipment from Panini fills ALL of our outstanding Fat Pack cases, but none of our blaster cases. So we will 100% fulfill all orders for Fat Packs, as well as have more on the site that you can still order now. Blasters we are already sold out of, but we will still be waiting for them to be fulfilled by Panini. Another bright note though is that we will have very limited availability on Optic FB Mega Cases coming in as well. So look out for those to launch on the site in the coming days.
Contenders FB - Only a very small % of our blaster order was filled on this partial, and none of the fat packs.
Donruss Basketball - All of our Donruss Skus shipped to us today, and we should have them by the end of next week. Look for all of those skus ( Blasters, Fat Packs, Retail and Hangers ) to go on the website for sale.
Prizm EPL Soccer - The partial shipment included all of our Mega Boxes, and most of our blaster order. We will still be waiting on the Cellos. We will be listing the Mega Boxes and the portion of the blasters that we are receiving on the website for sale.
Topps Series 1 Hangers arrived at the distributor and are shipping out to us.
Topps Series 1 Tins should arrive at the distributor next week and ship out to us.
Hit us up with any questions whatsoever. Thank you as always!